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Two Day "Eagle Medicine" Retreat -- In person in Landenberg, PA

  • Directions provided on registration Landenberg, PA USA (map)

Come and steep yourself in a weekend of experiences, celebrations, ceremonies, and powerful integrative healing opportunities that will inspire and guide you to connect with the energies of Spring and the medicine of Eagle. Some have found this weekend to be deeply transformational.

Come and feed yourself with ancient teachings that have been passed down from generation to generation. During this non-residential weekend, we will explore many ways to understand and embody the energies of Spring and the Medicine of Eagle.

All are welcome, regardless of your level of experience. There are no prerequisites. This can be an entryway into your experience of the beautiful Medicine Wheel tradition, a gateway to further study in the Circle of Stones, a four-quadrant apprenticeship program, or a standalone healing weekend for your rejuvenation.

For full details and registration information, please click here.