ABOUT shamanism
Here are some of my writings on aspects of the Shamanic journey and path, as well as some videos of my work, to share with you.
For 10,000 years humans on every continent of our planet have understood that shamanism is the beating heart of our very existence. It is the oldest spiritual healing practice that we know of. We know this from the discovery of ancient cave drawings that depict the shamanic stories of our Ancestors, left there for us to find. Why? So, we would not forget that everything is connected. Connection with all is at the very core of shamanism.
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And while I stood there, I saw more than I can tell and understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy. —Black Elk
Black Elk’s words point us so clearly to the mystery, and the circle. We ARE a circle, with no beginning and no end, and that is a mystery.
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A True Story of a Conciousness Shifting Moment~Remembered and Shared with Honor By Cyndy “Snake Dancer” Paige
I was privileged to sit at a powwow with a 12-year old young man who had an extraordinary, life-changing moment. This young man, who I will call Chris, was watching my friend Asa sitting on the ground doing a drumming meditation. Yes, you can sit in a crowd while looking into the distance of the treetops, and fall into a consciousness shifting moment while playing, and essentially praying, with your drum.
Chris felt so drawn to Asa, and more importantly, to the energy of the moment that Asa was creating with his drum, that he summoned the courage to simply sit down and listen. He could hear and feel the energy being created by Asa, the resonance of the drum, and Asa’s loving and prayerful heart. A space of consciousness that had a pull so palpable that Chris could do nothing but sit down and absorb and connect with it.
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The eight-pointed-star lacing-style in the center of The Sacred Medicine Wheel Drum came to me in a vision, and I knew immediately that Spirit was giving me a significant means for you to connect. Eight is a sacred number in my tradition. The center of the Sacred Medicine Wheel of Life, and the first eight stones that come into the Sacred Sweat Lodge, are blessed with and honored for the following qualities. The connection is felt by the intention that you hold in your heart when you pick-up your drum.
When you place your hands on the center hand hold, you have an opportunity to create a connection from the center of yourself, or your heart, to the center of the qualities and feelings of each of the following. Because energy never dies, when you play a Sacred Medicine Wheel Drum with your focus or intention on any or all the following energies, you in essence mingle those energies or gifts with the sound of the drum, and your family, friends, animal friends, community, and the world feel and share in your connection. I am so honored to share the journey of the drum with you. Enjoy!
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SOUL RETRIEVAL - a process of reclamation
Soul Retrieval Ceremony is a very sacred, ancient healing practice. In fact, shamanism is believed to be the oldest known healing modality on the planet. Simply put, a highly trained shamanic practitioner follows the rhythmic sound of a drum or rattle into the shamanic state of consciousness, sometimes referred to by me, as the “delicious dark” also known as the brainwave state of Theta. The intention is to find and bring home to the one who has come for healing, “willing” lost soul parts or lost gifts.
I will say, in my humble belief, we do not actually lose parts of our soul, although that is how this ceremony has been described since ancient times. I believe that we have an event or illness, sometimes when we are quite young, and the trauma of the event causes us to disassociate certain aspects of our essence or energy. I often liken it to placing it on a shelf until we are ready or able to integrate the experience.
So, the question that naturally follows is what is it - this energy or essence?…
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