A drum is a powerful tool that can be used for honoring Spirit, healing, clearing and generating energy. Cyndy Paige of RHYTHM OF THE EARTH, Invites you to Create a Medicine Wheel Frame Drum in a Sacred Way.
Do you yearn to be part of a sacred circle of like-minded souls who bring their hearts together in an ancient way to create, play, eat, dance, laugh, share and support each other? During this weekend retreat we will use the process of journeying and dreaming to assist you in developing a deep relationship with the drum you are birthing. You will journey to the heart of your new drum and ask it how it wishes to manifest its journey on its Earth walk. In the process of birthing your drum, it is possible to experience a deep transformation, and an initiatory-type integration of your personal power. Cyndy and Spirit will guide you through all of the simple techniques of creating your drum.
During this two day retreat we will use native ceremony and guided journey to assist you in developing a deep relationship with the drum you are creating. No experience is needed.
For details and registration information, click here for flyer..