Come and steep yourself in a weekend of experiences, celebrations, ceremonies, and powerful integrative healing opportunities that will inspire and guide you to connect with the energies of the Winter and the medicine of White Buffalo. Some have found this weekend to be deeply transformational. White Buffalo teaches us about the cycles of life, death, and rebirth and the Medicine Wheel of Life teaches us through the landscape of Winter. As we watch the trees shed the last of their leaves, we get curious about what is ready to be released in our own lives, so we have room for what is ready to burst forth in the Spring. We release so we can renew, and we do the best that we can to walk the path of right action for ourselves, our families, and our communities. We give back and, in the giving, we discover the abundance of our lives. We remember through the whispers and guidance of our Ancestors in our journeys and in the Dreamtime, that we have plenty. We have only to look at the eager faces of the young ones who will lead after us, and we know in our bones the value of our investment in them. As we come into the light of the Winter Solstice, we remember to be a beacon of light for others.
For detailed flyer and registration, please click here.